2010年にはKYOTO EXPERIMENTで『個室都市 京都』が、11年には「ウィーン芸術週間」で『個室都市 ウィーン』が制作された。
『個室都市 東京』フェスティバル/トーキョー09秋
Akira Takayama’s Port B caused a storm at F/T09 Spring with the re-staging and revivals of two of its key works. It is a company that has forged theatre expressing the reality of today in our cities, society, and in humanity and history. For this new work, the stage will be Ikebukuro Nishiguchi Park. This is a place all kinds of people pass through 24 hours a day into this community Takayama will build an installation of prefab compartment units. Inside visitors can view the footage Takayama made through interviews with the people of the park. Further, there will be talk events and promenade performances.[:]